ANF seize 741.693 kg drugs worth US$ 17.827 mln internationally

ISLAMABAD, Feb 14 (APP): Anti-Narcotics Force (ANF) seized 741.693 Kg of drugs, 6020 litres of Hydrochloric Acid (HCL) worth US$ 17.827 million internationally, arrested 19 drug peddlers including 3 women impounded 4 vehicles while conducting 30 counter-narcotics operations throughout the country.

According to a spokesperson of ANF, the seized drugs comprised 5.338 Kg Heroin, 689.741 Kg Hashish, 14 Kg Opium, 11.556 Kg Methamphetamine (Ice), 20.430 Kg Amphetamine and 3376 x Diazepam Tabs (0.628 Kgs).

ANF Balochistan in recovered 239.200 Kg of Drugs and 6020 Liters of Hydrochloric Acid (HCL) in 5 operations and impounded a vehicle. The seized drugs comprised 3 Kg Heroin, 227 Kg Hashish and 9.200 Kg Methamphetamine (Ice).

ANF Punjab recovered 202.580 Kg of Drugs in 4 operations while arresting 2 persons involved in drug smuggling and impounded a vehicle. The seized drugs comprised 1.080 Kg of Heroin, 14 Kg of Opium and 187.500 Kg of Hashish.

ANF Khyber Pakhtunkhwa recovered 221.767 Kg of Drugs in 11 operations while arresting 4 persons involved in drug smuggling. The seized drugs comprised 199.841 Kg Hashish, 1.496 Kg Methamphetamine (Ice) and 20.430 Kg Amphetamine.

ANF Sindh recovered 73.980 Kg of Drugs in 4 operations while arresting 7 persons including 3 women involved in drug smuggling and impounded 2 vehicles. The seized drugs comprised 1.180 Kg Heroin, 72 Kg Hashish and 0.800 Kg Methamphetamine (Ice).

ANF North recovered 4.166 Kg of drugs in 6 operations and arrested 6 persons including a foreigner in drug smuggling. The seized drugs comprised 0.078 Kg Heroin, 3.400 Kg Hashish, 0.060 Kg Methamphetamine (Ice) and 3376 x Diazepam Tablets (weighing 0.628 Kg).

Cases have been registered at respective ANF Police Stations under CNS Act 1997 (Amended 2022) and further investigations are under process.