Parliament’s proactive response on public priorities imperative to raise democratic index

ISLAMABAD, Oct 25 (APP): The Parliament’s proactive mechanisms to address public priorities, especially the needs of masses, vulnerable classes and youth day is imperative to improve country’s standing on international democratic index.

This was stated by Shahida Rehmani, former Member Nationanal Assembly (MNA) and Secretary General Women Parliamentary Caucuses, while speaking at the certificate award ceremony of 2nd National Training of Trainers on Parliamentary Studies at the Pakistan Institute for Parliamentary Services on Wednesday.

She reiterated that reforms to immediately enhance performance of legislatures was required so that they meet up public expectations on dire challenges of poverty, unemployment and inflation.

She eulogized the remarkable initiative of Pakistan Institute of Parliamentary Services (PIPS) in organizing this nation-wide ToT with galaxy of university professors teaching courses in parliamentary studies.

Senator Farhat Ullah Babar complimented the PIPS efforts in commencing and consolidating the Parliamentary Studies initiative that had helped introduce courses in 20 universities around the country.
PIPS has played an imperative role of connecting people and the Parliament.
Senator Mushtaq Ahmed highlighted that effective working of the Parliament always kept the executive in check so that it delivers to the people on state-responsibilities.

The PIPS with the support of EU-Mustehkam Parlimaan Project and GIZ organized three-day 2nd National Training of Trainers (ToT) Workshop on Parliamentary Studies attended by around 55 participants including 40 faculty members from universities around all federating units of the country as well as the twin cities of Islamabad and Rawalpindi in addition to learned Members of Parliament and parliamentary experts of the country.
Director General (Research), Muhammad Rashid Mafzool Zaka, shared the three key program objectives to set the context of the 3-day national ToT.

He informed that since the start of parliamentary studies in 2015, the PIPS had successfully held 70 orientation sessions, one national ToT in 2017, provided internships to over 250 students, supervised researches on Parliament, produced over 1800 research papers and organized an international conference with more than 11,000 youth across the country discussing “Parliament, Constitution and State Building.”

In this context, he shared that this advanced level 2nd National ToT on Parliamentary Studies for Faculty members and parliamentary experts, endeavours:
i.To review, promote and consolidate the teaching of parliamentary studies courses in social science and law degrees in Pakistan;

ii.The National ToT will encourage faculty to supervise Research thesis and papers on various aspects of the working of Parliament;

iii.ToT will help consolidate a Network of MPs, academicians and parliamentary experts all over the country who can inculcate the democratic values of “we agree to disagree,” and “unity of diversity,” as envisioned by the Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah as the founding father of Pakistan.

iv.The ToT has been designed in a way that it will enable faculty members to contribute in reiterating inclusivity, national cohesion and responsible citizenship amongst our youth.
v.ToT will streamline the promotion of courses on parliamentary studies in universities and law schools.