KP people to observe ‘Kashmir Solidarity Day’ to condemn illegal occupation of IIOJ&K

PESHAWAR, Feb 04 (APP): The people of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Kashmiris are all set to observe Kashmir Solidarity Day on Sunday to condemn the illegal occupation of the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir by India and would demand UNO to give the right of self-determination to the oppressed Kashmiris as per its security council’s resolutions.

The Kashmiris would renew their pledge to continue their struggle till they get Independence from the Indian yoke.

The people would strongly deplore the revoking of the special status of IIOJ&K by India on August 5, 2019 and would demand the fascist Modi government to immediately withdraw his illegal act by restoring the special status of the held velley that has virtually turned into a military jail.

From Chtral to D I Khan and Waziristan to Kohistan, the people of all 37 districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Kashmiris have planned big protest rallies, walks and seminars, etc in connection with Kashmir Solidarity Day.

Besides government officials, NGOs, civil society, students, and academia, the transports, wagons, and rickshaws unions would take out protest rallies from the general bus stand at Peshawar and culminate at Press Club. The lawyers, politicians, traders, and people have also planned rallies.

Life has become a nightmare for the oppressed Kashmiris, who were passing through endless human rights abuses including forced abduction, sexual violence against women and children besides state-terrorism since 1947.

Muhammad Hussain Khateeb, Member All Parties Hurriyat Conference (APHC Gillani Group) told APP that India had broken all records of atrocities, extra judicial killings and war crimes in the occupied valley.

He said Indian occupational forces have intensified state terrorism in IIOJ&K after the abolishment of its special status in a bid to suppress the legitimate freedom movement of Kashmiris but completely failed.

Condemning the August 5, 2019 illegal acts of the fascist Modi regime, APHC leader said that Kashmiris had faced with an unending ordeal of state terrorism, mental agony, and trauma due to frequent abductions of youth, rape of women and molestation of children besides illegal detentions at the hands of Indian occupied forces on the pretext of cordons and search operations in IIOJ&K. 

He said over 0.9 million Indian occupational forces had unleashed a reign of terror and jailed the senior Kashmiri leadership in fake cases besides depriving Kashmiris of all constitutional rights and liberties.

He praised the courage and steadfastness of the great Kashmiri leader Yasin Malik, who was handed down life term imprisonment by the Indian court in a fake case.

He said thousands of innocent Kashmiris were extra-judiciary killed including great freedom fighter Burran Wani Shaheed in ‘fake encounters’ in IIOJK where collective punishments were imposed. 

The last rituals including mass funeral of the great Kashmiri leader, Ali Gilani were not allowed, thus exposing India’s tyranny and disregards for minorities and humans rights.

He said clampdown on media, internet and suppression of peaceful protests besides abduction and torture of young Kashmiris continued in the held valley where people were confined at homes ahead of the Kashmir soliderity Day. 

Former Ambassador Manzoorul Haq said the Kashmir dispute was an unfinished agenda of the subcontinent partition plan and it was the responsibility of UN Security Council (UNSC) to implement its resolutions on Kashmir. 

“Modi Gov’t fascist policies have put peace of the entire region in jeopardy as a fifth war on Kashmir between the two nuclear countries may prove disastrous for the entire region.”

He said the Modi government went against several UNSC resolutions after abolishing the special status of IIOJ&K on August 5, 2019 which was also against the Geneva Convention.

“Following abrogation of Article 370 by the Modi fascist government, the legal paradigms of IIOJK has been changed and now any Indian national can purchase lands in the held valley.

IIOJK was divided in Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh territories, which was tantamount to changing its demography and converting Kashmiris into minorities. 

India was using its media as a propaganda tool to divert the attention of the international community from gross human rights abuses and Indian forces’ war crimes including the use of pellet guns. 

He urged the international community to think beyond their trade and business interests and put pressure on India to give the right of self- determination to the oppressed Kashmiris as promised to them by the UN through several passed resolutions.

The international community was urged to investigate the mass graves, forced disappearances of Kashmiris and use of pellet guns being perpetrated with complete freedom by the Indian occupational forces at IIOJ&K and implement UNSC resolutions on Kashmir like of East Timor imperative for lasting peace in South Asia.